Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Product Reaaessent Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Product Reaaessent - Research Paper Example Demand for bottled water continues to expand in global popularity; however, several restaurants, schools, natural food stores and municipalities in the United States have decided to consume tap water instead of packaged products. Bottled water marketers are striving to find out the contributing factors to this trend and institute appropriate mechanisms to regain the initial market share. Manufacturers pack bottled water in transparent plastic bottles. This water is used in schools, homes, restaurants and municipalities. The cost of bottled water varies between $500 and $1,000 per cubic meter in the United States (Worldwatch Institute, 2013). The demanders for this water include young, middle aged and the old aged people. Consumers hold a belief that these packaged products are cleaner, safer and more convenient than tap water. The estimated consumption of bottled water in the United States is 27.6 gallons per person (Worldwatch Institute, 2013). Marketers target 100% of the United St ates population since water is a basic need for survival. Reasons for Declining Demand for Bottled Water The economic status of consumers influences the demand decisions for bottled water. The price of tap water is $0.50 per cubic meter as compared to bottled water that ranges between $500 to 1,000 for the same quantity (Worldwatch Institute, 2013). ... the minority groups spend 1% of their income on bottled water as compared to stable citizens who spend only 0.4% of their income on this product (Gleick, 2011). The reason for this could be higher marginal propensities to save and invest that characterize the financially stable citizens than the minorities. The general trend for consumption of bottled water reveals that financially stable citizens buy bottled water because they can afford while the minorities are scared away due to unaffordable prices. The age and gender constituting the market share determines the number of consumers for bottled water. Young and females are more likely to drink bottled water than the aged and the males. Young people are susceptible to advertising and marketing promotions, which are the primary selling strategies used by the bottled water companies. This proportion of the population spends most of its time watching televisions programs and reading newspapers. The population of young people in the Uni ted States has decreased considerably over years. The high probability of female drinking bottled water is consistent with the previous study findings on gender differences on health risks associated with health and food (Gleick, 2011). The educated population of female spends less time on television due to commitments to work and family matters. The number of women watching television programs and reading newspapers has decreased, thus reducing people who access bottled water advertisements. Ethnic and regional backgrounds of consumers affect the consumption of bottled water. A research carried out in the year 2011 revealed that the residents of Midwest and West mountain areas are less likely to use bottled water either for purposes of primary drinking or special occasions (Gleick, 2011).

Monday, February 10, 2020

Marketing Strategies of Samsung Electronics and Apple Incorporated Essay

Marketing Strategies of Samsung Electronics and Apple Incorporated - Essay Example Due to the heightened competition, both Samsung Electronics and Apple Inc. have embarked in strategic marketing operations over the past five years in a bid to woo more customers. They have done this through the consideration of certain aspects of strategic marketing that include market segmentation into various unique products such as the smartphone for Samsung and the iPad for Apple. In this case, the companies consider special target markets for their products by looking at both the micro-environmental and macro-environmental aspects of their markets. The findings show that through strategic marketing approaches that include positioning and targeting strategies, the two companies have been able to stay afloat in the competitive market of electronics industry. Every organization that operates in the business environment understands the significance of applying good marketing strategies in order to gain a competitive edge in the market (Ottman, 2011). In most business enterprises, m arketing comes in as a first priority as it ensures that customers are adequately satisfied through regular contends and improvements (Doyle, 2008). Although virtually every market environment experiences varying degrees of competition, the competition so encountered at the global market is normally intense to the extent that call for extraordinary marketing strategies (Groucutt, Forsyth, & Leadley, 2004). Concerning the multinationals that deal with a wide range of products, certain crucial marketing principles and practices give them an edge, as their main intention is to appeal to a diverse clientele across the globe (Park & Gil, 2006). ... virtually every market environment experiences varying degrees of competition, the competition so encountered at the global market is normally intense to the extent that call for extraordinary marketing strategies (Groucutt, Forsyth, & Leadley, 2004). Concerning the multinationals that deal with a wide range of products, certain crucial marketing principles and practices give them an edge, as their main intention is to appeal to a diverse clientele across the globe (Park & Gil, 2006). With this in mind, it is prudent to define marketing as the whole process involves in the communication of certain values of products and / or services to target customers (Doyle, 2008). This is normally with the intention of increasing the sales margin and the customer base that are key aspects to any business enterprise (Burrow & Bosiljevac, 2012). Perhaps it is worthy to note that some of the renowned international companies have over the years engaged in intensive and extensive marketing effort in a bide to lure more customers thereby increasing their sales and profit margins (Groucutt, Forsyth, & Leadley, 2004). These include but not limited to Samsung Electronics and Apple incorporated that operate on a global platform with most of their products being of electronic nature. While Samsung manufactures, distributes, and sells, electronic products ranging from computers, televisions, cameras, to radios (Park & Gil, 2006), Apple Inc. does the same with most of its branded products including the iMac, iPod, iPad, and iPhone (Apple Inc., 2013). The purpose of this report is to explore marketing strategies of Samsung electronics and Apple Inc. borrowing heavily from the theories and principles of marketing in the critical evaluation. Industry background The electronics industry is a wide